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Who Cleans up after a Flooded Basement?

When your basement floods, who do you call? Do you need a water restoration company, plumber, or contractor? Who can get the water out, dry everything up, and replace anything that’s been ruined? While a plumber can fix a broken pipe and a contractor can install new drywall, water restoration experts can remove damaged items, clean up the mess, restore anything that’s been damaged, and replace anything that can’t be fixed – seeing the process through from start to finish.

In cases where water damage occurs because of a fire, water restoration professionals can clean up the fire damage as well as the water damage. Restoration companies will clean up water before mold growth occurs while also removing smoke damage. Understanding how to get moisture and smoke out of household materials and off surfaces in your home is something that only a water and fire restoration company can do effectively.

Additional resources:
DIY water restoration tips
The cost of water restoration services
What to do next after a home flood
Flooded basement DIY clean up
Can water damage your furnace?
Does a home warranty cover water?
When your basement floods, who can clean it up?
What is water restoration?
How to handle home water damage the right way!
nearby water restoration companies Winthrop Harbor
Home restoration 101: a beginners guide